Energy Resources ArticlesQCA Media ReleaseRegulated electricity prices for 2014-15 released
Read more Queensland Government Gazette 2014-2015Regulated electricity prices for 2014-15 released
Read more Use your energy wisely... and cost-effectivelyBusinesses need to ensure they are paying the lowest possible price for their electricity.
Read more It's your business, your savings and your profitHow to save up to 35% on your electricity costsIf you are a business in a multi-lot premises, your combined total usage may enable you to secure a lower electricity price
Read more Electricity prices are going up - are you aware of how this will affect you?With approximately 60% of electricity costs attributed to network charges, anything you can do to reduce these costs will help offset any further price increases
Read more What and how to invest in making you more energy efficientThere are many energy efficient products available to consider, however like any proposal it is the cost benefit analysis that determines its viability.
Read more We know the 'why', but what is your 'why NOT'?When you ask, "Why would I want to reduce my energy costs?" the answer is clear. However, when you ask, "Why haven't I looked at reducing my energy costs?" the answer is not so simple.
Read more It's time to find a better deal for your electricity, LPG and hot water heatingFind your Energy Champion within your business who will take an ongoing interest in your energy costs and then take that first step of making sure you are paying the lowest price possible for your energy rates
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